Performance and Visual Arts

Marching and Concert Band

George Junior High School Program Videos

Participating in high school band can offer a range of personal, social, and intellectual benefits that can help students develop into well-rounded individuals.

  1. Musical skills: Learning to play an instrument or sing in a band requires dedication and practice, which can help students develop their musical abilities and expand their understanding of music theory.

  2. Teamwork and collaboration: Band members work together to create a cohesive sound, which requires teamwork, communication, and collaboration. These skills can translate to other areas of life, such as sports teams, group projects, and professional settings.

  3. Creativity and self-expression: Music is a form of artistic expression, and learning to play an instrument or sing in a band can give students an outlet for their creative impulses and allow them to express themselves in new and meaningful ways.

  4. Confidence and self-esteem: Mastering a musical skill can be a source of pride and confidence for students, which can have positive effects on their self-esteem and overall well-being.

  5. Social connections: Participating in a band can help students make new friends and forge social connections with others who share their passion for music.

  6. Cultural awareness: Studying music from different time periods and cultures can broaden students' horizons and deepen their understanding of the world around them.



Music Instructor

  • Music Teacher

  • 479-750-8750


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