Our GJHS FCCLA is having a fundraiser on Saturday, April 3, 2021 from 8 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. to help them raise money to attend the National FCCLA conference. Please come out and support our GJHS FCCLA!
GJHS Cheerleading/Dance Tryout Results
Congratulations to the following new GJHS Cheerleaders!
*Please check your email that you used to submit your videos for your "Tryout Number".
Wrangler Families: We just wanted to send out a reminder regarding our GJHS Virtual Student Led Conferences tomorrow & Wednesday, March 17th. Please be logged in and ready at your assigned appointment time. Thanks so much!
Wrangler Families: Bus 168 IS running, but might be a little late. Please continue to wait. The bus will be picking up students.
Food insecurity is a real issue in NWA and around the country. Families with children attending George Junior High School now have an opportunity for food assistance with our bi-monthly drive-thru food bank. Complete the GJHS Drive-Thru Food Bank Application to sign up for this opportunity. Families must fill out the form for each pick-up date. The next pick-up date is Friday, March 12th. The deadline to complete the application is Friday, March 12th at 1:00pm. The pick-up time will be from 3:00pm-4:00pm in the front of the school. Parents will stay in their cars, and food will be brought to their cars. Call GJHS at 479-750-8750 or email Andrea George ageorge@sdale.org or Letty Hug lhug@sdale.org for more information.
Click the link below to fill out the application:
Letty Hug has served as School Social Worker at George Junior High and George Elementary School for the past three years.
When asked why being a School Social Worker is important she said, “School Social Workers are an integral link between school, home and community in helping students achieve academic success. Social workers assist students and families in overcoming barriers by providing direct and indirect services that will lead to greater student achievement both in and out of school.” She added, “ I am so blessed to be given the opportunity to be a part of an amazing team at GJH. Our counselors, teachers and Principals are amazing. I continue to learn and grow from them. Their passion and dedication to our students is inspiring.”
We are so lucky to have Mrs. Hug as part of our GJH Family. Thank you for all that you do for our school and our students! Happy National School Social Worker Week!
Wrangler Families: If you student has a G1 chromebook, they need to bring their charger to school today with their chromebook. We are changing out the G1s for newer technology. Students with G1s will have all white keys. Thank you for helping us get newer technology into the hands of your student. Have a great day!
Wrangler Families: Here is some information regarding our upcoming GJHS Virtual Student Led Conferences on March 16th & 17th. Be looking for information from your student’s Advisory Teacher to schedule your appointment!
GJHS Staff is working on our social and emotional learning this semester! Each month we have staff challenges focused on improving our mental and emotional wellbeing. We know that it's important for us to show the students (and ourselves) that we value our own self-care, and that we can't grow our students socially and emotionally if we aren't doing the same. Staff members who choose to participate are put into a drawing for a special treat. The January Self-Care Challenge winner was Cassondra Beers! Congratulations!
Wrangler Families: Food insecurity is a real issue in NWA and around the country. Families with children attending George Junior High School now have an opportunity for food assistance with our bi-monthly drive-thru food bank. Complete the GJHS Drive-Thru Food Bank Application to sign up for this opportunity. Families must fill out the form for each pick-up date. The next pick-up date is Friday, February 26th. The deadline to complete the application is Thursday, February 25th at 3:00pm. The pick-up time will be from 3:00pm-4:00pm in the front of the school. Parents will stay in their cars, and food will be brought to their cars. Call GJHS at 479-750-8750 or email Andrea George ageorge@sdale.org or Letty Hug lhug@sdale.org for more information.
Link to the application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6QoyRgNiIJ4sK3zjL7ALbrppprHB0HiuMoT0emsMjP02oDg/viewform
Oh how we have missed you! Can't wait to see each of you tomorrow.
Wrangler Families: Our remote learning day begins in 15 min. It is a "B" schedule day. Be sure and connect with your Advisor, 5th, 6th, and 7th period teachers. Also the "Max out the Zoom/ Google Meets" challenge is still happening. When you complete your classes and your work for today email a principal! Stay warm and safe Wranglers. Have a great day!
This week has been a challenging week on many fronts but there has also been a lot of good!
Let’s give a shout out to the over 150 custodial and maintenance staff who worked around the clock to keep our buildings in top shape!They worked on frozen pipes, clearing parking lots and sidewalks, plowed snow and maintained the HVAC units.
Let’s give a shout out to the Principals and teachers from each building who worked to connect with each family ensuring safety and educational enrichment during this time. We had some fun this week! We loved seeing all the pictures of how families combined education with snow time fun.
Tomorrow, Friday February 19 will be a remote teaching and learning day. Let’s finish this week strong, with positive energy and take the time to say thank you and encouraging words to each other. This is what make our community great!
Esta semana ha sido una semana desafiante en muchos frentes, ¡pero también ha sido muy bueno!
¡Demos un saludo a los más de 150 conserjes y personal de mantenimiento que trabajaron las veinticuatro horas del día para mantener nuestros edificios en óptimas condiciones! Trabajaron en tuberías congeladas, despejaron estacionamientos y aceras, quitaron nieve y mantuvieron las unidades de HVAC.
Demos un saludo a los directores y maestros de cada edificio que trabajaron para conectarse con cada familia para garantizar la seguridad y el enriquecimiento educativo durante este tiempo. ¡Nos divertimos un poco esta semana! Nos encantó ver todas las imágenes de cómo las familias combinaban la educación con la diversión en la nieve.
Mañana viernes 19 de febrero será un día de enseñanza y aprendizaje a distancia. Terminemos esta semana fuertes, con energía positiva y tomémonos el tiempo para agradecer y animarnos mutuamente. ¡Esto es lo que hace que nuestra comunidad sea excelente!
This week has been a challenging week on many fronts but there has also been a lot of good!
Let’s give a shout out to the over 150 custodial and maintenance staff who worked around the clock to keep our buildings in top shape!They worked on frozen pipes, clearing parking lots and sidewalks, plowed snow and maintained the HVAC units.
Let’s give a shout out to the Principals and teachers from each building who worked to connect with each family ensuring safety and educational enrichment during this time. We had some fun this week! We loved seeing all the pictures of how families combined education with snow time fun.
Tomorrow, Friday February 19 will be a remote teaching and learning day. Let’s finish this week strong, with positive energy and take the time to say thank you and encouraging words to each other. This is what makes our community great!
Esta semana ha sido una semana desafiante en muchos frentes, ¡pero también ha sido muy bueno!
¡Demos un saludo a los más de 150 conserjes y personal de mantenimiento que trabajaron las veinticuatro horas del día para mantener nuestros edificios en óptimas condiciones! Trabajaron en tuberías congeladas, despejaron estacionamientos y aceras, quitaron nieve y mantuvieron las unidades de HVAC.
Demos un saludo a los directores y maestros de cada edificio que trabajaron para conectarse con cada familia para garantizar la seguridad y el enriquecimiento educativo durante este tiempo. ¡Nos divertimos un poco esta semana! Nos encantó ver todas las imágenes de cómo las familias combinaban la educación con la diversión en la nieve.
Mañana viernes 19 de febrero será un día de enseñanza y aprendizaje a distancia. Terminemos esta semana fuertes, con energía positiva y tomémonos el tiempo para agradecer y animarnos mutuamente. ¡Esto es lo que hace que nuestra comunidad sea excelente!
Wrangler Families: Tomorrow, Friday February 19, 2021 will be a remote teaching and learning day for the Springdale Public Schools. We hope everyone is staying safe and warm! Buenas tardes, mañana viernes 19 de febrero de 2021 será un día de enseñanza y aprendizaje remoto para las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale. Mantente a salvo y abrigado. Students need to check Google Classroom and email for instructions about Zoom schedule "B". Keep checking in with your teachers, letting them know how you are doing. Hope to see you soon!
Wrangler Families: Students should be online with their teachers today from 8:45 until 11:05. Students should be completing assignments in all 7 classes today. Please help us to help your child stay up to date with their class work. We have had remote learning days for Monday, Tuesday and today. All students will be responsible for work in all 7 classes on those days. Stay safe and warm and caught up! Go Wranglers!
Wrangler Families: Tomorrow, Thursday February 18, 2021 will be a remote teaching and learning day for the Springdale Public Schools. We hope everyone is staying safe and warm!
Buenas tardes, mañana jueves 18 de febrero de 2021 será un día de enseñanza y aprendizaje remoto para las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale. Mantente a salvo y abrigado.
Students need to check Google Classroom and email for instructions about zoom schedules. Keep checking in with your teachers, letting them know how you are doing. Hope to see you soon!
Tomorrow, Thursday February 18, 2021 will be a remote teaching and learning day for the Springdale Public Schools. We hope everyone is enjoying the snow! We love seeing all the creative and fun activities from our families. Stay safe and warm.
Mañana jueves 18 de febrero de 2021 será un día de enseñanza y aprendizaje remoto para las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale. ¡Esperamos que todos estén disfrutando de la nieve! Nos encanta ver todas las actividades creativas y divertidas de nuestras familias. Mantente a salvo y abrigado.
9th Grade Wranglers and Wrangler Families: Please see the attached information concerning Future Bulldog Night at Springdale High School.
Go Bulldogs!!!
Wrangler Families: Warming location in Springdale
Springdale — Springdale Senior Center, 203 Park Street. (call ahead at 479-751-1521)
We are aware that many of you do not have internet or even power. Our priority is your safety. Please contact the number listed if you need a place to go.